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异质空间 The Third Space
异质空间(也称为“第三空间/The Third Space”)的概念由美国学者爱德华·W·索亚(Edward W. Soja)最先提出并运用,他将个体与环境的独特性解释为“hybrid 混合”。在本次展览的策划中,我们沿用“HYBRID/混合”这一概念,并将其放置到城市生活的语境中——现实生活的快节奏与虚拟世界里超负荷的信息量是当下城市生活重要的特征。人们既在现实中亲身构筑一幅幅程式化的生活图景,也在网络中以旁观者的身份浏览、评论。在参与和反观之间,真实与想象被融解重铸,构成了我们在此讨论的异质空间—— 一种“第三化”以及“他者化”的空间。 展览信息 Info About the Exhibition 异质空间 The Third Space 2020.7.5- 2020.7.25 南希艺术画廊 展览导言 在现代社会,时间的存在感被不断地极限化,它从人们腕上的手表、家里的挂钟转移到了电子屏幕上不会发出“嘀嗒”声的一串数字。时间似乎是隐匿了——但在无数的日程表、“截止日期”之间它又再度显示出极强的可视性。空间的状态与之类似,交通的便捷提供了人们穿梭于不同地点的无限可能,但目的地的高速切换也同时模糊了“出发-抵达-离开”的体验。城市生活消弭着时间与空间的界限,混沌着可视性与隐秘性的区分,在现实与想象之间堆叠出了一个异质空间。在异质空间里,人们既是参与者,又是旁观者,现象既真实、又虚幻,恰如其分地呈现了众多城市人抽离的状态。 本次展览将由艺术家杜海军、廖扬参展,他们的作品一方观念、一方具象,一者让人站在远处观望的视角,一者将人推到现实生活的跟前,由此,异质空间的可视性与隐秘性被全面地呈现。 Introduction of the Exhibition In modern society, the sense of time has been either lessened or magnified. It has shifted from people’s watches and clocks to a series of numbers that will not make any sound on electronic screens. The existence of time seems to be hidden, however, it again shows great visibility when it comes to countless schedules and deadlines. Similar condition as the state of “space”. The convenience of transportation provides possibilities for people to move between different locations, but the high-speed switching of destinations also blurs the "depart-arrive-leave" experience . Urban life eliminates the boundary between time and space, chaotically distinguishes between visibility and invisibility, thus a heterogeneous space is stacked between reality and imagination. In a heterogeneous space, people are both participants and bystanders, and the phenomenon is both real and illusory, appropriately presenting the state of dissociation of many citizens. This exhibition presents artists Du Haijun and Liao Yang’s artworks. Their works are both conceptual and figurative. The visibility and occultity is fully presented among them. 关于艺术家 About the Artists 杜海军 Du Haijun 艺术家杜海军生于江苏宜兴,毕业于中国美术学院,现居上海。他在国内外多次举办展览,数次获得艺术界大奖,包括第十一届全国美展优秀奖,法国沙龙特邀评审团颁出的绘画类金奖。他的作品被中国美术馆,韩国领事馆,香港海港城等收藏,并曾应邀在斯洛伐克驻北京大使馆展出。 在杜海军的作品中,我们可以看到他对都市化的理解,以及这样的方寸空间是如何低声诉说着城市生活的秘密的。在杜海军的眼中,“城市就像无数个抽屉,每一个抽屉都装着不同的家庭,不同的生活;城市也像是一台台电视机,无休止地播放着生活的肥皂剧。而我们每一个人既是观众,又是演员。城市如此,人生如斯。”
城市节奏 City Rhythm / 杜海军 Du Haijun 60cm x 100cm / 布面油画 Oil on Canvas Born in Jiangsu province in 1978, Du Haijun graduated from China Academy of Art and now living in Shanghai. He has participated in either domestic and international exhibitions and was awarded for many prizes, including the Golden Award for the International Salon of France. Du’s work demonstrates his understanding of how urbanization remoulds cityscape and how such squared residences wisper the secrecy of everyday drama. His "N Windows" has been collected by the National Art Museum of China, "Office Story" has been collected by the Harbor City, Hong Kong, and “Window” and “Cellist” by Korean Consulate. 廖扬 Liao Yang 艺术家廖扬二零零五年毕业于上海大学美术学院,现任职于上海大学美术学院。其作品《上海早上八点六十》入选第十八届全国版画展并获优秀作品奖;《小巷故事多》入选第十一届全国美展并获银奖;《入冬》入选第十九届全国版画展览;《迟到的公交》,入选第二十届全国版画展览并获优秀奖,《爸爸妈妈去哪儿了》获全国美展优秀奖,作品被中国美术馆、上海美术馆等机构收藏。 廖扬善于思考社会现象,捕捉生活中的精彩点滴并呈现到作品中。他的作品大多以市井生活为题材,反映高速发展的经济给人们的生活与价值观带来的冲击与思考。版画语言的冷静更为廖扬的作品注入了一种达观的态度。 Born in Jiangsu province in 1978, Du Haijun graduated from China Academy of Art and now living in Shanghai. He has participated in either domestic and international exhibitions and was awarded for many prizes, including the Golden Award for the International Salon of France. Du’s work demonstrates his understanding of how urbanization remoulds cityscape and how such squared residences wisper the secrecy of everyday drama. His "N Windows" has been collected by the National Art Museum of China, "Office Story" has been collected by the Harbor City, Hong Kong, and “Window” and “Cellist” by Korean Consulate. 对于自己的创作,廖扬每次动笔前都会花很长的时间来思考画什么能打动自己也感动他人。他曾说,“我是每天两点一线典型的上班族。根本没时间去经历太多事情,和大多数人一样默默地生活在这个城市里。这样的平淡和规律使我更有兴致来观察生活中存在的点点滴滴。很多人都问我为什么总能碰到这些有意思的场景。其实动人的事情每天都在上演。动人不见得是一场刺激的冒险或是一段刻骨铭心的感情,对我来说它就是那样的平凡,却又转瞬即逝。” 后记 2020,一场疫情给了人们意外的机会放慢现实生活的节奏,同时也扩容了网络世界的信息规模,我们所说的“异质空间”其实就在同时堆叠扩大。居家期间,在有限平方的空间之内,我们反观自己的生活,关注社会的动态—— 异质空间,是否成了一个让我们清醒、得以喘息的地带? 内容策划:谢雨欣(Echo) “ 欢迎各位前来观展! Welcome all of you to this exhibition! ”
Nancy’s Gallery Tel& Fax: (8621) 64668146
Mobile: (+86) 13671863626 机构网站:http://www.nancyartspace.com |
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